Also I gotta ask. Is it going to be one woman from each series or will we be able to meet other characters from some of the other series? Because I think it'd be nice to see some of the other fan favorites like Akeno from DXD for example.
Hello! It is still in development, I recently resumed it and I am currently in the process of improving and expanding everything regarding the project, and yes, Akeno will be!!
I think this is probably the best game I’ve ever played in this genre. I love the art, the characters and the ambience. I’d like to see this game getting more updates in the future. I think the success of this game in some time and after some updates will be great. PLEASE DONT ABANDON IT. NEVER. There’s is not a single ”parody“ game out there that does a greater job than this game.
gracias recomiendo mucho tu juego a mis amigos y espera con hacia la actualización soy fanático de tu trabajo me encanta la animación y los efectos de tu juegos eres una gran desarrolladora
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is this gonna be available for mac?
Hello! It is still in development, I recently resumed it and I am currently in the process of improving and expanding everything regarding the project
Why is there Bulma and Videl but not Chichi and 18?
The Android 18 if it is present in the game
Who Anime
so Sexy girls
{now the work begins to kill a goblin} what do i do to start the quest? ive explored everything. is my save broken or something?
This is a fun and interesting game. I know you answered this two months ago but I hope you don't abandon this project.
Also I gotta ask. Is it going to be one woman from each series or will we be able to meet other characters from some of the other series? Because I think it'd be nice to see some of the other fan favorites like Akeno from DXD for example.
Hello! It is still in development, I recently resumed it and I am currently in the process of improving and expanding everything regarding the project, and yes, Akeno will be!!
ayo you abandon on us or busy? please comment if still on this planet
Yes haha, I'm still working little by little on this project
Sorry for being clueless but where I can find skip button
I think this is probably the best game I’ve ever played in this genre. I love the art, the characters and the ambience. I’d like to see this game getting more updates in the future. I think the success of this game in some time and after some updates will be great. PLEASE DONT ABANDON IT. NEVER. There’s is not a single ”parody“ game out there that does a greater job than this game.
I can think of a few that are actually complete and do a somewhat decent job
Please tell me I am very curious
Update faster broooooo my patience is limited! Joke aside pls update haha we're waiting!!
When is an update gonna happen soon?
El juego sigue en desarrollo o está abandonado??
Buenas tardes una pregunta cuando tarda la Nueva actualización por este juego es mi favorito
is there in the game - Femdom/mind control/hypnosis
soy un gran fan de tu trabajo
este juego es de mis favoritos me encanta tu trabajo no 😔 lo abandones 🙏 espero la actualización
No te preocupes, aún sigo trabajando en él :D
gracias recomiendo mucho tu juego a mis amigos y espera con hacia la actualización soy fanático de tu trabajo me encanta la animación y los efectos de tu juegos eres una gran desarrolladora
When is next update?
Hello, in a few months i will continue the dev of this game, actually i ´m working on 2 games.
Nice! Well I hope it's not on the back burner to long lol it might b my favorite parody style game so far on itch. Keep up the good work friend!
Dead game ???
nah working on 2 games and SR was voted for main focus. news was on patreon and discord.
una duda cuando sale la continuacion de la historia
new update in 2024 XD
When are there new updates?
When's the next update
Cómo va el juego falta mucho para la próxima actualización?
Hace poco terminé de escribir la historia y he hecho varios cambios en unos sistemas y probando cosas nuevas, así que no falta tanto la verdad
Muchas gracias por dar noticias :)
2D or 3D
Is 2D
When is the next installment of the game coming out?
Animation or no
Is the game worth downloading?
Idk i dont have even test it <3
Buenas. Tarde falta mucho para próxima actualización ?
Tiene discord para unirme al servidor?
Hola! Aún estoy trabajando en la siguiente versión, pero no tardará mucho, en cuanto al Discord si hay, hay un Link en el juego
hi, there will be a Mac version?
No, only Android and PC
hello really like the game so far but it switched back to spanish after i saved and quit is there a fix?
te lo agradezco sinceramente
Hello everyone, I am happy to tell you that the English translation is already included in the current version of the game!
¿Ya tienes inglés?
That's right, the English translation is already included
¿Habrá una traducción al Inglés?
Hello! right now we are working on the english translation
Are the scenes animated?
The red-haired girl is the student council president in the Japanese anime «High School of Demons»
No, that's Rias Gremory from High school DxD
I will wait for the english version
Hello! right now we are working on the english translation
Hello! right now we are working on the english translation
The game looks promising, but I'm waiting for English version.
Hello! right now we are working on the english translation
nice. Kindly inform me when it is done.
english translation?